Qld Museum Kits
Queensland Museum Kits
The Bundaberg Regional Galleries have been a regional depot for the Queensland Museum since 2008. As a depot, the gallery receives educational kits from the Queensland Museum annually. They are available for 2-week loans at no cost.
Bookings are essential as the kits are very popular! Booking the kits is easy. Contact Gallery Administration via email: brgadmin@bundaberg.qld.gov.au or phone: 07 4130 4750 to book a kit
Available in 2025
Invertebrate Life Cycles #5

Explore and compare the life cycles of invertebrate animals.
Living in a Rotten Log #5

Identify and compare living things in and around a rotten log.
Queensland Remembers: 1939-1945 #10

HASS: How and why do people choose to remember significant events of the past? (HISTORY Year 3 ACHASSK064) How did Australian society change throughout the twentieth century? (HISTORY Year 6 ACHASSK136).
Solar System Activity #5

Model the position of the Sun and planets.
Sustainable Living #5

HASS: How have changes in technology shaped our daily life? (HISTORY Year 2 ACHASSK046) – QCAA: Investigating changes in technology How has the community changed? What features have been lost and what features have been retained? (HISTORY Year 3 ACHASSK063)> SCIENCE: Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena and reflects historical and cultural contributions (NATURE AND DEVELOPMENT Year 6 ACSHE098) – PC: Essential energy.
These Boots - Leah Purcell #1
These Boots - Michael Kasprowicz #1

ENGLISH: Make connections between the ways different authors may represent similar story lines, ideas and relationships (LITERATURE AND CONTEXT Year 4: ACELT1602) Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings and characters that draw on the worlds represented in texts students have experienced (CREATING LITERATURE Year 5 ACELT1812) > EARLY YEARS: Diversity.
Toys #7

HASS: How has family life changed or remained the same over time? (HISTORY Year 1 ACHASSK030) How have changes in technology shaped our daily life? (HISTORY Year 2 ACHASSK046).
To book a kit, contact the Gallery Administration via email: brgadmin@bundaberg.qld.gov.au or phone: 07 4130 4750.