Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF)

Acknowledgement of Country
Bundaberg Regional Council acknowledges the traditional Country of the Taribelang Bunda, Gooreng Gooreng, Gurang, and Bailai Peoples and recognise that this Country has always been and continues to be of cultural, spiritual, social and economic significance. We recognise the thousands of generations of continuous culture that have shaped this country and the people on it.
What is RADF?
The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is delivered as a partnership between the Queensland Government and eligible local Councils across the state through Arts Queensland.
RADF promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage as key drivers of diverse and inclusive communities and strong regions. RADF invests in local arts and cultural priorities, as determined by local communities.
RADF is a flexible fund, enabling local Councils to tailor RADF programs to suit the needs of their community.
A community funding pool is offered annually over two rounds or until expended. RADF will fund up to 65% of the total expenditure in any one application unless otherwise specified.
Quick Response Grants
Assistance of up to $2000 may be available for eligible applicants. Applications are open year-round and close on the last Friday of each month.
Successful applicants can only receive funding once each financial year from the Quick Response Grants Program.
Applications are assessed at the beginning of each month. Notification of assessment outcomes will be advised within seven working days of the first business day of each month.
Apply now
Community funding rounds for 2024/2025
Round 1
Opens 2 September 2024 - closes 4:00 pm AEST 30 September 2024 (for projects/activities commencing after 1 December 2024).
Round 2
Opens 1 October 2024 - closes 4:00 pm AEST 31 December 2024 (for projects/activities commencing after 3 March 2025).
Quick Response Grants
From 1 July 2024 - applications may be submitted at any time while funds remain. Applications open on a rolling basis and close on the last Friday of each month. Notification seven (7) working days after the first business day of each new month.
Check your eligibility
The following categories of individuals and organisations can apply for a RADF grant:
- Individual professional artists, emerging professional artists, arts workers, cultural workers or project coordinators who are:
- Based in the Bundaberg Regional Council area. If based outside the area, they must demonstrate how the project will benefit arts and culture in our region.
- Permanent residents or Australian citizens who have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or are sponsored by an incorporated organisation or individual with an ABN.
- Incorporated arts and cultural organisations based in the Bundaberg Regional Council area. If based outside the region, they must demonstrate how the project will benefit arts and culture in our region.
- Unincorporated organisations sponsored by an incorporated body, based in the Bundaberg Regional Council area. If based outside the region, they must demonstrate how the project will benefit arts and culture in our region.
Download the eligibility checklist here.(PDF, 3MB)
Read the guidelines
Before starting your application, please read our RADF Guidelines(PDF, 1MB).
Applications must be made online through SmartyGrants.
Ensure there is a completed RADF Eligibility Checklist(PDF, 3MB) for each professional or emerging professional artist to be employed through a RADF grant. This is attached to the grant application form.
Submit your completed application form and all required support materials to Council by the due date for the current funding round.
Once applications close, Council will access the applications and notify each applicant of the outcome.
Supporting documentation
Depending on the grant category for which you are applying, you may need:
- resumes
- support letters
- quotes
- confirmation letters from arts workers involved
- any additional materials pertaining to the applicable category
Check the relevant guidelines for further information.
Assessment and notification
Applications progress through the following stages:
- eligibility check
- assessment
- Council endorsement
- applicants notified
Notification periods vary depending on the grant category. Refer to the guidelines(PDF, 1MB) for more information.
Promoting RADF
Successful applicants are required to promote the Regional Arts Development Fund as part of their project.
Projects must acknowledge funding from Council and RADF in all promotional collateral, media releases, publications, websites or other promotions. Logos and funding acknowledgement wording are supplied to successful applicants.
“The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Bundaberg Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.”
Please contact the RADF Officer if you require a high resolution logo, phone 1300 883 699 or email
For more information please contact Bundaberg Regional Council on 1300 883 699 or email
All postal correspondence is to be addressed to:
RADF Officer
Bundaberg Regional Council
PO Box 3130
Bundaberg Qld 4670